Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sometimes it sucks..in a good way

My kids are getting older. This does not always mean it gets easier. I mean, I know the older 2 don’t need me to dress them or put their seatbelts on, but they still need me. My twins are almost 21 months and they are definitely pushing their terrible 2’s...times 2! These days, I have been feeling like I need the Energizer bunny to knock on my front door and take over.

I know we all have these days. The days we want to just stay in bed, and the days we just want them to go to bed..at 5pm..lol. It is a part of the parenthood package. The part of the unexpectable days of “how did I get myself into this mess anyway??” package. I have been going through this lately, and let me tell you, it is getting a little hard ignoring the wine cabinet..lol..I sometimes wonder if it’s normal to want to drink at 9am? Lol..of course I refrain but maybe, just maybe, it will help somewhat..lol. With all the waking up in the middle of the night and the constant reminders to the older ones, I sometimes forget my name and their names. Now I know why my mother would always call me 1 of my sisters..lol..she just forget my name at the time.

Every one person can think that what they are going through at a time is their own cross to bear, and I know it is not as bad as it we make it seem, but it is still hard to us. Yesterday I went to the gym (it is a GREAT stress reliever) and 1 of the women came in with her 2 kids that she just picked up from school. The 2 kids were arguing and bugging each other, their mother was getting upset, asking them to stay quiet. These kids were not that “small”...11 and 9 to be exact. That is a line I always find funny, “Oh it must not be so bad because you have 2 “older” kids”..lol..ya sure, if anyone knows...the older ones most always cause more drama and work, than the other 2. So anyway as this mother was getting changed into her workout clothes she uttered..”Ahhh the days when I was single”..lol. I then sat there and gave some advice to the young receptionist, “Enjoy every home cooked meal that your mother makes for you.” She just laughed.

When we live at home with our parents we do not realize how “good” we really have it. Meals cooked, clothes washed and everything cleaned up. It is only until we do it for our own children that we realize it. Having a family is something I always knew I wanted. The fairytale of the wedding, the pregnancy and the new born babies. It is as wonderful as I thought it would be. My kids are my life. They are the individuals that help keep me focused and help me stay on the right track of life.

There are times when I do feel like throwing in the towel. There are days that I want to call my own mother and ask her to come and take over because I need a break. My kids are a full time job, but it is an important one. I am raising babies into adults. I want to do the best job I can. These are the little people that I brought into this world. Nothing good comes easy, and I am sure it will all be worth it. On the days that are rough, I need to stay focused. I need to remember why I chose this life in the first place. I need to remind myself how lucky I am to be a mother to 4 beautiful, healthy, vibrant kids.(see look... I am trying to convince myself..lol)

One day it will seem easier. It will be a little less hectic and little quieter. My 2 terrible 2’s is a little more than I can handle on most days, but that too will pass. When my kids are all grown and they become adults the job will “look” like it is almost done. Everything looks easy when it’s all finished, that is what makes the process even more important. We have good days; good nights and we have not so good days and nights. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world, and when you start you cannot look back. You must learn to keep your head above water and iron out the wrinkles. It is not always as flawless as we want it to be. It is not as peaceful as we want it to be, and sometimes, just sometimes a job of a mother can suck....in a “good way”..lol
That’s my peace today

Pork Loin Roast
2 small pork loins
garlic salt
chopped parsley
black pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 white wine
1 white onion chopped

Place loins in a roasting pan pour white wine, spread garlic powder, pepper, parsley and oil over the pork. Place onions around the pork. Place in oven at 385 degress for 1 hour and half.

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