Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sweet Dreams

Dear sleep,

Remember me? Its Diana. I used to really enjoy you many years ago but somehow about 11 years ago that all changed and we lost touch. :( .I try to catch up with you but it's so hard because I am always so busy doing other things. I miss the nights when it was just you and me; alone in my bed. Now I have no time with you, and I feel when I do, I have to share you with others.

I was thinking of you this morning. I was thinking that's it time you and I meet up again. Maybe in the afternoon or maybe tonight. What do you say? Like old times.

11 years ago our relationship took a turn for the worst. I had to give you up, only seeing you 2 hours at a time. It was hard and I felt the distance. Since then I know you have tried to make a connection and I have been ignoring you. I want you to know, it's me it's not you. It is nothing you did. I really want to be with you again so please understand I am doing my best to have what we had so many years ago.

I know that I am not the only one who hasn't been seeing you lately. I have been talking to my friends and it seems they have lost touch with you too. They miss you, just as much as I me! I have friends that get to see you over and over again. Every night. They have you for a full 8 hours. I have to say, I am extremely jealous of the connection you have with them. I also have friends that see you in the day time! I cannot imagine it! How could you make time for them in the day?? Shame on you.

I have been asking around about you. You do get around, but for some reason you skip me? You are in my house every night. You and my husband have a very very strong bond! But it seems you do not like 3 year olds, and you don't particular care for mothers? Especially mothers with babies, and pregnant mother. You really hate pregnant mothers don't you?

Oh well, I know one day we will meet again. I am not sure when? I have heard that when my kids are teenagers I will connect with you even less because your friend named "Worry" will be keeping us apart. Then I heard that when I grow older,( like much older) your friend "Menopause" will be even worse than "Worry" I just hope one day you will see it in your heart to forgive me and welcome me back into your dreams. Maybe if you would spend less time with husbands, fathers, teenagers and single people you would have more time for us hard working, strong minded, matter of fact mothers.

I am leaving you some time to think about it. You don't have to give me an answer tonight, but in the near future (lets say maybe a few years from now) You and I can catch up on all that lost time. Although it will be short lived, if only for a few nights we can dance again in my bed. Until then, good night my friend Sleep, and sweet dreams.

Your friend,
"Get me some f""in sleep now or I think I am going to hang myself" Diana

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