Monday, March 26, 2012

Pictures last longer than a Gucci bag....don't they?

This past Friday my daughter celebrated her 8th birthday with all her little friends. We went to a place called Airbourne Trampoline. The kids jump and jump and jump until their hearts content. She invited almost all the girls in her class (it was a girls only and a few cousins.

The girls had so much fun. Pictures were taken, food was eaten and cupcakes were devoured. All that was left after 2 hours of fun jumping was some food, drinks maybe a cupcake or 2 and well...the big fat bill. For the love of God and all his disciples....does it really cost that much money for an 8 year olds birthday party???? Well if you ask my mother, she would tell you...HELL NO! and let me tell you why...

I'm taking you back to 1982. When Bon Jovi just hit the music scene, Madonna was no longer the statue Italians had in their front yard...she was a new pop singer, and perms were the common request at the local "hairdressers". It was also the year I turned 8. (ok people do the math now to see how old I am:)) Anywho, picture this, October 11, 1982 in Woodbridge, Ontario. The home of Perry's grocery store and the 400 Drive inn. Life was much simpler then it is now. Cougar boots were the "in" thing and if you didn't have a pair of leg couldn't even bother trying to fit in. Life was good. I was in grade 3 and learning multiplications was my biggest hurdle.

My 8th birthday was on a Monday and like always, I had to share it with a turkey. Like a real turkey, stuffing and all. My mother, like always, cooked for Thanksgiving and all my aunts and uncles and whatever cousins were born then came over. There was no invitations required; If you wanted to go to someone's house, you just showed up. You were always greeted with a smile and a shot of espresso. My mother made her own cake, dipped in a whole lot of rum and frosted with icing sugar and green food colouring. She put 8 candles on the home made cake, took a picture or 2 (that she developed a year later) and the night was over. If I was lucky, we were allowed to play in our grey cement basement, that had insulation popping out of the walls, and cement block walls. The night ended, everyone went home. I opened my cards that had $20 in them, I went to bed and the next day it was all over. Life moved on and I waited until 365 days were up to have that day over again.

Now let us fast forward to Friday night. My daughter's b-day. Prior to the day, I had to book the "party place" at least 1 month in advance because if I didn't, there would be nothing left and what would my poor child do if we couldn't find a place???? After I booked the location and left a $50 deposit, I went out to buy invitations that had to match the colour scheme of her cake and decorations. Then I waited for all the other moms to call and r.s.v.p for that day. I wrote down all their names so I knew how many "loot bags" I had to make and how much food I needed to order.

The day arrived, she was as excited as I was the day I turned 8. The only difference is that I partied with Zia Rita and Zia Lina. She was going to party with Isabella, Claudia and Elizabeth. Which I'm sure is way cooler than who I had. :) She went to school that day, she came home she picked her outfit and was ready for the party. She had noooo idea that I had been running around all day, picking up the overpriced cupcakes, the loot bags, and the food, drinks and snacks for the night.

6pm -8pm came and went so quickly. She had sooo much fun. She was so excited that she got to share her birthday with all her little friends. I took lots of pictures of the night. I handed out the loot bags, loaded the car with gifts and handed the girl at the counter my visa. I hid the receipt in my purse because my husband thinks I paid $50 for the entire trampoline I left.

When I got home I thought about all the money, the stress and the work I had just put into this day. We had already celebrated the week before (on her real bday) with my family. This was just so she could celebrate with her friends. I know she's not the only one. I know this because the Sunday after her party, she had 2 birthday parties to attend. It's something that is now the birthday "norm". Why have we made this the norm? Do we think that if we don't have a party for our kids we are screwing them up? Or do we do it because we feel sorry for them? What the hell is there to feel sorry about??? How come our mothers didn't feel sorry for us? Feel sorry that we ripped our socks on the nails that were popping out of the untiled floors in our basement? or for the fact that we had to serve our uncles and grandparents lupini beans and biscotti on OUR birthday? They didn't feel sorry for us because there is nothing to feel sorry about. We have created this world of giving to our kids. Well I can tell you now, I want to take some advice from my mother on how to throw a party. I want to ask her how I was so happy on that day even though I didn't go to an overly booked, germ infested play place?? How mom? How?

My mother took pictures of my 8th birthday and I have them in an album that I look at once in a while. I am glad that she took those pictures because it is a reminder of my childhood and all the wonderful people who were in it. I too took some pictures of my daughter on that night at Airborne Trampoline. I just hope that one day she too can look back and appreciate that special night because the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that pictures last longer than that Gucci bag I could have bought...don't they???
That's my peace today!

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