Monday, March 26, 2012

Pictures last longer than a Gucci bag....don't they?

This past Friday my daughter celebrated her 8th birthday with all her little friends. We went to a place called Airbourne Trampoline. The kids jump and jump and jump until their hearts content. She invited almost all the girls in her class (it was a girls only and a few cousins.

The girls had so much fun. Pictures were taken, food was eaten and cupcakes were devoured. All that was left after 2 hours of fun jumping was some food, drinks maybe a cupcake or 2 and well...the big fat bill. For the love of God and all his disciples....does it really cost that much money for an 8 year olds birthday party???? Well if you ask my mother, she would tell you...HELL NO! and let me tell you why...

I'm taking you back to 1982. When Bon Jovi just hit the music scene, Madonna was no longer the statue Italians had in their front yard...she was a new pop singer, and perms were the common request at the local "hairdressers". It was also the year I turned 8. (ok people do the math now to see how old I am:)) Anywho, picture this, October 11, 1982 in Woodbridge, Ontario. The home of Perry's grocery store and the 400 Drive inn. Life was much simpler then it is now. Cougar boots were the "in" thing and if you didn't have a pair of leg couldn't even bother trying to fit in. Life was good. I was in grade 3 and learning multiplications was my biggest hurdle.

My 8th birthday was on a Monday and like always, I had to share it with a turkey. Like a real turkey, stuffing and all. My mother, like always, cooked for Thanksgiving and all my aunts and uncles and whatever cousins were born then came over. There was no invitations required; If you wanted to go to someone's house, you just showed up. You were always greeted with a smile and a shot of espresso. My mother made her own cake, dipped in a whole lot of rum and frosted with icing sugar and green food colouring. She put 8 candles on the home made cake, took a picture or 2 (that she developed a year later) and the night was over. If I was lucky, we were allowed to play in our grey cement basement, that had insulation popping out of the walls, and cement block walls. The night ended, everyone went home. I opened my cards that had $20 in them, I went to bed and the next day it was all over. Life moved on and I waited until 365 days were up to have that day over again.

Now let us fast forward to Friday night. My daughter's b-day. Prior to the day, I had to book the "party place" at least 1 month in advance because if I didn't, there would be nothing left and what would my poor child do if we couldn't find a place???? After I booked the location and left a $50 deposit, I went out to buy invitations that had to match the colour scheme of her cake and decorations. Then I waited for all the other moms to call and r.s.v.p for that day. I wrote down all their names so I knew how many "loot bags" I had to make and how much food I needed to order.

The day arrived, she was as excited as I was the day I turned 8. The only difference is that I partied with Zia Rita and Zia Lina. She was going to party with Isabella, Claudia and Elizabeth. Which I'm sure is way cooler than who I had. :) She went to school that day, she came home she picked her outfit and was ready for the party. She had noooo idea that I had been running around all day, picking up the overpriced cupcakes, the loot bags, and the food, drinks and snacks for the night.

6pm -8pm came and went so quickly. She had sooo much fun. She was so excited that she got to share her birthday with all her little friends. I took lots of pictures of the night. I handed out the loot bags, loaded the car with gifts and handed the girl at the counter my visa. I hid the receipt in my purse because my husband thinks I paid $50 for the entire trampoline I left.

When I got home I thought about all the money, the stress and the work I had just put into this day. We had already celebrated the week before (on her real bday) with my family. This was just so she could celebrate with her friends. I know she's not the only one. I know this because the Sunday after her party, she had 2 birthday parties to attend. It's something that is now the birthday "norm". Why have we made this the norm? Do we think that if we don't have a party for our kids we are screwing them up? Or do we do it because we feel sorry for them? What the hell is there to feel sorry about??? How come our mothers didn't feel sorry for us? Feel sorry that we ripped our socks on the nails that were popping out of the untiled floors in our basement? or for the fact that we had to serve our uncles and grandparents lupini beans and biscotti on OUR birthday? They didn't feel sorry for us because there is nothing to feel sorry about. We have created this world of giving to our kids. Well I can tell you now, I want to take some advice from my mother on how to throw a party. I want to ask her how I was so happy on that day even though I didn't go to an overly booked, germ infested play place?? How mom? How?

My mother took pictures of my 8th birthday and I have them in an album that I look at once in a while. I am glad that she took those pictures because it is a reminder of my childhood and all the wonderful people who were in it. I too took some pictures of my daughter on that night at Airborne Trampoline. I just hope that one day she too can look back and appreciate that special night because the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that pictures last longer than that Gucci bag I could have bought...don't they???
That's my peace today!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sweet Dreams

Dear sleep,

Remember me? Its Diana. I used to really enjoy you many years ago but somehow about 11 years ago that all changed and we lost touch. :( .I try to catch up with you but it's so hard because I am always so busy doing other things. I miss the nights when it was just you and me; alone in my bed. Now I have no time with you, and I feel when I do, I have to share you with others.

I was thinking of you this morning. I was thinking that's it time you and I meet up again. Maybe in the afternoon or maybe tonight. What do you say? Like old times.

11 years ago our relationship took a turn for the worst. I had to give you up, only seeing you 2 hours at a time. It was hard and I felt the distance. Since then I know you have tried to make a connection and I have been ignoring you. I want you to know, it's me it's not you. It is nothing you did. I really want to be with you again so please understand I am doing my best to have what we had so many years ago.

I know that I am not the only one who hasn't been seeing you lately. I have been talking to my friends and it seems they have lost touch with you too. They miss you, just as much as I me! I have friends that get to see you over and over again. Every night. They have you for a full 8 hours. I have to say, I am extremely jealous of the connection you have with them. I also have friends that see you in the day time! I cannot imagine it! How could you make time for them in the day?? Shame on you.

I have been asking around about you. You do get around, but for some reason you skip me? You are in my house every night. You and my husband have a very very strong bond! But it seems you do not like 3 year olds, and you don't particular care for mothers? Especially mothers with babies, and pregnant mother. You really hate pregnant mothers don't you?

Oh well, I know one day we will meet again. I am not sure when? I have heard that when my kids are teenagers I will connect with you even less because your friend named "Worry" will be keeping us apart. Then I heard that when I grow older,( like much older) your friend "Menopause" will be even worse than "Worry" I just hope one day you will see it in your heart to forgive me and welcome me back into your dreams. Maybe if you would spend less time with husbands, fathers, teenagers and single people you would have more time for us hard working, strong minded, matter of fact mothers.

I am leaving you some time to think about it. You don't have to give me an answer tonight, but in the near future (lets say maybe a few years from now) You and I can catch up on all that lost time. Although it will be short lived, if only for a few nights we can dance again in my bed. Until then, good night my friend Sleep, and sweet dreams.

Your friend,
"Get me some f""in sleep now or I think I am going to hang myself" Diana

Monday, March 19, 2012

I wasn't as sick as you

Ok so I apologize that I have not written in almost 10 months, sorry life just happened. Funny though, I don't feel 10 months older :)...anywho, I just passed almost 2 weeks of virus hell, and it's still not over. We went for our yearly family trip to Florida and when we came back (I still felt like it wasn't really a vacation..and maybe that's because I went with the kids...and my husband. :)the virus' began.

Two days after we came back from our vacation my older son started. Fever, chills, sniffles, get my point. And because he is a "man in the making" all he did was moan and groan and cry and whine and whine and moan and groan, (well you get my point) for days. Don't get me wrong, I felt horrible for him. In fact I even slept in his bed at night to comfort him while he was up moaning and groaning and whining and crying. lol.

See when one of my kids get sick in the house I always cringe. I cringe because I know that all 4 will get whatever the first one brought home. But see where I cringe the that I know that soon, along with my 4 children getting will my wonderful and ever so loving husband. If you are married then you totally understand what I am talking about.

The Nyquil brand produced a very smart commercial recently. "Pam...can you call my mom??" That was a brilliant commercial that spoke about the ever so popular "man cold". Anyway, so as I was husband was the second to get this virus. And for some very odd reason, I just didn't feel as sympathetic for him as I did for my 10 year old

I guess it's because if you are anything like me, when you get sick you pop extra strength Tylenol, sip some Green Tea and get on with your day. You don't get to complain, you just do whatever it is you do.

So anyway, after a few nights of me sleeping in my sons bed, comforting him, taking his temperature, putting cold cloths on his forehead I felt very exhausted. But just the same, I went to work, came home, made dinner, cleaned the dishes, took my daughter to piano, and finally, I put all four children to bed. As my butt touched the couch I hear something from upstairs??? Thinking I am hearing things I continue to watch TV. Again hearing something...I finally press the mute button and then I hear husbands' voice of panic for me to come upstairs. Well of course I got up quickly not knowing if it's one of my kids, did they fall off the bed? did one of them vomit? what the heck is going on?? As I get upstairs I go into my bedroom and ask my husband, "What is it? what happen? what's wrong?" He then says.."Oh please help me...I think I am going to die"...LOL...LOL....except I didn't feel like laughing then, I actually felt like slowly placing the big heavy down filled pillow over his nasal I knew that would only cause more instead I did what Jesus would do........I told him he wasn't going to die because he still had to stay alive to witness the wonderful years of teenage life with our kids because I wasn't going through that alone, and then I told him he had the flu and it was probably more likely than not, it would go away, and then I marched downstairs boiled some water and put a Neo Citron packet in a mug and brought it upstairs to his helpless body. I then said "Goodnight" closed the door to our room and went to sleep in the spare bed.

The next morning I went to check on my "Woodbridge Patient" and he was feeling much better. He was so thankful that God allowed him to maybe I am exaggerating a little). He then noticed me grabbing a tissue and blowing my nose. He turned to me and asked in a very sincere tone, he asked, "Oh no, are you getting sick too?" I smiled, turned my head and said, "Honey, I have been sick for 3 days already..I am actually getting better." He looked at me very confused? How could I have been sick and not know it? And anyone who has a husband can all the say the same response...."Honey that's because, I wasn't as sick as you."