Friday, November 5, 2010

The role of a mother

The role of a mother begins from the moment you find out you are going to have a baby. The thoughts, the worries, the planning and all the sleepless nights occur. From the second your child is born your role in life becomes that much more important. You vow to take care of this child for the rest of their life.

Many women I know constantly question the way they are raising their kids. They call me or other mothers and ask for advice when you don’t know if you made the right decision. You second guess every little choice you make and you worry over a virus as common as the cold.

A mother is strong, not in strength, but in mind. They teach the family that love always comes first, and that a woman’s heart is her children. She teaches the family that the best people you will have in your life will be your siblings, and she will teach you that love can never be bought.

A mother’s day will be brightened by the simplest things; a good test mark, making the volleyball team, a compliment from another parent about your child, or the face she sees when her kids realize she made their favourite for dinner. Mothers are simple. They love and they need love back. They hug, and they need hugs back, they respect and they expect respect back.

A mother will never lie to you. A mother will never cheat on you, and a mother will never put anyone before you. A mother will cheer you on, even though you really suck at skating. A mother will stick up for you even though you really did break your brother’s hockey book. A mother will also always tell you that it’s not ok to be mean, and that it’s not ok to hurt someone’s feelings. A mother is there to sew your ripped sweater, or she is there to bring in to the cleaners to get She will always find the way to make it right.

A mother will always wonder if she is doing the right thing. She will ask herself if her own mother would have done the same. A mother is a woman that is very important in your life. She is someone you want beside you every day when life is hard, or challenging, or just plain unfair.

I am sorry for all the friends I have, that have lost their mothers at a young age. I know that they miss them every day. I know that they think of them every day. I know that they strive to be like them every day. I cannot imagine the pain and the hurt someone feels when they lose their mother. The mother is the head of the household, the bricks in the home, and the soul of the family.

The only comfort I can offer to these dear friends of mine, is that the woman they miss is always there watching over them. She still is there to hold their hand when they are nervous for that interview. She is still there to make things feel better when they are hurt by someone’s ill intentions. She is still there to secretly advice them, when they don’t know what to do if their teenage child is out of line. A mother is a mother for life. When we are born she makes it understood that she is there for you always. You recognize her smell, her voice, and most importantly you recognize her love.

When we are little, our mothers are our hero’s. They are our mentors. They are our strength. Without you knowing, a mother teaches us that even though we don’t want to, we become them. A mother teaches us that we want to love so much more than we want to hate. A mother teaches us that they want so much more for us, than they ever had. A mother teaches us that even when they leave this earth, they are still guiding us. To all my friends that have lost their mothers, I commend your strength, I commend your courage, and I commend your spirits. You have been taught by her that she will by your side every day, that her job is never over and that she will be with you always. Because she assured you a long time before, that is her role as a mother.
That’s my peace today!

Apple Cake
5 apples diced
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder, salt, baking soda
2 tsp cinnimon
2 eggs
1 cup oil
1 tsp vanilla

in a bowl mix sugar, oil, vanilla, and eggs. In a seperate bowl mix dry ingredients. Add dry ingredients into egg mixture, mix with a spoon.Fold in apples. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes in a 13x9 pan lined wth parchmen paper.

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