Monday, May 3, 2010

"I hate everybody but my parents"

We have been living at my parents’ house for the past week and a half. Our house is quite not ready so we had to bunk with the old folks for a while. It has been nice to be home. I probably would not do it for a very long time because I do not really miss my father reminding me that we have to walk in the kitchen every morning with a great big smile. (Even if it is 6am)

My parents have had a pretty busy year. They have been busy with all 4 of their daughters. A little bit here, and a little there. My older sister was living with them for a while they were waiting for their home to be ready, then we moved in right after, and my younger sister is having her baby next Monday. They have a lot going on, but they do what they can to help us all out.

My father is famous for being our “delivery” man. He is the kind of man that would get up from the couch at 10pm and go to Mac’s to get us a bag of chips because we felt like eating something salty. He just turned 70 and thank God that he has the energy of a 30 year old. He will do anything for us...and he does. My mother is also very helpful. She will whip up a meal last minute on a Sunday if we show up with all our screaming kids. She will do anything for us.

Yesterday I went to my house to start cleaning up the top floor so we can start putting our clothes away this week, and my parents came with me. My father was installing my door handles and my mother came along with 3 mops, 10 dishrags and a bottle of Pine Sol. As I was passing the vacuum, I looked up and I saw my mother in the tub scrubbing the tiles and then I looked over and saw my father screwing in the handles. At that moment I felt very lucky. I felt so fortunate to have my parents. We sometimes forget that we have them around because we are so busy living our own lives and asking them for favours, that we forget they are our parents.

These are the people that raised me and made me who I am today. They are the 2 people who love me unconditionally. They truly believe in me and my children and are proud of every little accomplishment we achieve. They are the 2 people who would give up anything for me.

As I stood there looking at my parents, I began remembering all the heartaches I gave them when I was growing up. All the times that I didn’t want my friends to see them drop me off or pick me up from a party. All the times I wanted then to just go away for a weekend to give me my own space. All the times I had to fib to have a good time with my other teenage friends. All the nights they stayed up waiting for me to get home safely. All these years later, they are still here by my side when I need them.

They have taught me that as a parent you do so much for your kids to make them comfortable and to keep them happy. They have taught me that I will still love them even when they say no. They have taught me that the things in Toys R’Us do not show love. They have taught me that being a grandparent is a lot less stressful and tiring than being a young parent. They have taught me that you never “finish” being a parent. There is no punch clock or calendar they follow. It is a never ending commitment of love.

As I stared at my parents working away yesterday I thought about a time my little sister was small. She knew already at 8 years that parents were special. She knew that parents were more than just parents. I don’t really remember what was going on; all I remember is that she was upset for something my sisters and I had done. As she had gone to her room, she shouted at the top of her lungs for the whole house to hear...”I hate everybody but my parents” all just looked at each other and laughed. As angry as she was, she knew that the people who brought her into this world were the people she can never hate, and I guess 20 years later I finally understand what she really meant.
That’s my peace today!

Cheesy Bread
1 Italian loaf
2 cups shredded mozzarella
1 cup shredded provolone
2 whole cloves garlic
1/4 cup olive oil

Slice bread open like a book. Rub the garlic on all the bread. Sprinkle both cheeses in the bread, close and rub oil on outside of bread. Place on baking sheet and bake for 12-15 min (until cheese bubbles and is melted. Cut into 3 inch pieces.

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