Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This Sunday is another Mother’s Day. It is a special day of the year that highlights and recognizes the job of a mother. Kids prepare for it at school and husbands prepare for it in the morning of it at the nearest Shoppers Drug It is a day that is dedicated to all the hard work we mothers endure all year round.

Every year it is different for me because the kids are getting older and their crafts are getting more professional looking. They bring me home special cards and poems in English, French and Italian too. I look forward to it because they are so proud to show me what they have done.

Mother’s Day to me means so many different things. It means that I am honoured by my own kids and it means I can do the same to my own mother. It is also a very hard time of year to people that no longer have their mother’s here on earth. I cannot imagine how painful that must be. I think the worst thing in the world (besides losing a child) would be to lose a mother.

A mother is more than just the woman who gave birth to you or raised you. It is more than just the woman that made you lunch every day and dinner every night. It is more than just the woman who cheered you on from the sidelines of the soccer field. It is more than the person who praised you in front of her friends.

A mother is someone who cleans your scrapes when you fall. A mother is someone who cooks your favourite meal on your birthday. A mother is someone who runs to your aid in the middle of the night when you have the stomach flu. A mother is the person who rushes you to the doctor when you tell her you have an unusual pain. A mother is someone who calls her friends to discuss some teenage issues you are going through. A mother is the one that you want to share all your wedding plans with, and she is the person you want to be standing beside you when you are about to become a parent. She is the one you call and ask for advice when your child is running a fever and you do not know why.

A mother has all the answers to the questions you did not even think of yet. She has all the remedies for all the little ailments that we suffer from. She is the person that will stand beside you when you are scared waiting for results in a doctor’s office. And she is the one that will cry harder than you if you didn’t get the answer you were hoping for.

A mother is a person who will never compete with you. She will never want you to go through all the mistakes she went through, but she will be smart enough to know that you will have to go through it on your own. A mother is a support group. A mother has her own support group.

A mother understands the pain of a broken heart. She understands that there will be many boys in your life but there will only be 1 man that will treat you the way you need to be treated. She understands that no man will ever be your father. She understands that sometimes you need to have a good cry. She understands that sometimes you need to have a good drink. She understands that 1 pair of black heels is not enough.

A mother is the woman we all hope to be. A mother is someone we always end up becoming. A mother is a role model for daughters. A mother is a role model for her sons. A mother is someone I always wanted to be. A mother is something I am so proud that I am. A mother is something that will always be the most important job in the world. A mother is someone that you will not be able to replace. A mother is someone you will always cherish. A mother is someone that always has your back. A mother eventually becomes your best friend.

This Sunday is a day to honour all mothers. It means more than the flowers in the vase, it means more than the chocolate in the box, it means more than the perfume in the bottle. It means you have been lucky enough to be a mother, to know a mother and to love a mother! Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful women who we call Mom.
That’s my peace today!

These cookies are my kids fav that we make together
Chocolate Chip Cookies

3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup butter, softened
2 large eggs,beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix sugar, brown sugar, butter, vanilla and eggs in a large bowl by hand. Stir in flour, baking soda, and salt. Add chocolate chips by hand and use a wooden stick to stir. Drop 1 tbsp of dough, 2 inches apart. Cook for 8-10 min. (we prefer 8 min because they are extra chewy.

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