Wednesday, September 22, 2010

At the ripe old age of 99

Yesterday I was driving home, and I was stopped at the lights. Crossing right in front of my car were 2 young teenage girls being silly, holding hands and just giggling. I suddenly got a flashback from my youth. I remember the days of hanging out with my friends, making plans to go to a movie and talk about the guy we had a major crush on.

In high school we want so badly to grow up. We want to wear heels, wear make-up, drive around, and stay up late. We think that life gets easier when we get older because we make our own rules. We think we know about life and we think that life is so stressful. All we want to do is get ready for the next party. We think hanging out with our parent’s sucks, and we want nothing to do with them.

This is all part of the journey. It is the part where we know it all and we hate our parents for all their useless rules. I was thinking back at those moments in my life. I had a great time growing up. I had great friends and I thought I was at the peak of life. I thought that life was very serious, and that it would not get harder than that. I remember thinking women in their 20’s were “older” girls and women in their 30’s..Well they were useless and ancient.

When we are young have no use for information. We make our own mistakes and we think that it is just “different” for us. No one person understands what we are going through and the older people are just nerds in heels. We think that our relationships are “real love” and we would just die if we broke up with that guy we “cared” so deeply for... that whole month. Summer was for breaking up, and Christmas was for exchanging gifts with our girlfriends. Life was so hard, homework sucked and we just couldn’t wait to work.

The ironic thing about this stage in our lives is that we just can’t wait to be older. We can’t wait to turn 19 so we can go to clubs, then we can’t wait to turn 21, because for some reason we cared if we were legal in the Then we couldn’t wait to turn 25 because then people would take us serious. But then something happens. We wake up and we are 30 years old. We think back to the days we couldn’t wait to be older. We think back at all the things we wish we would not have done, and we think back at the days when we didn’t want to have a relationship with our parents. Life is funny that way. When we are young, we want to be older, and we age, we think back at when we were younger.

Yesterday, when I saw those young girls I did not wish to be that age again. Although I admit, it was fun. I think there is a time for everything in life. Those teenage years are meant to be the years of foolishness, silliness, and just plain old carelessness. It is our time to practice for our 20’s, our 30’s and yes ladies...our 40’s. We should embrace the immaturity, we should embrace the attitude, and we should embrace the irresponsibility, because before we know it, we will be driving our minivans filled with children reminiscing of our youthful days. Not wanting to go back, but waiting to go forward, to witness our own children’s teenage years. So I say... if practice really does make perfect, than I think we will all get it right at the ripe old age of 99.
That’s my peace today!

Steak Wrap
1 rib eye steak, grilled and sliced thinly into pieces
1/4 cup of Ceasar dressing (I prefer Renne's)
1/2 Boston lettuce shredded
1 tomato cubed
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 Avocado cubed
(any grilled veggies you like)
6 10 inch wraps
Salsa (optional)

Lay wraps open. Sprinkle all ingredients evenly. Roll wrap tightly and secure with a toothpick. Place on grill or heated pan, and grill each side for 3 minutes. You can dip in salsa once cooked.

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