Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pot of Gold

6 years ago today my first daughter was born. It was a cold snowy day in Montreal when I went in to get induced to welcome my second child into the world. My husband and I did not know what we were having, but because I had a son, I assumed my second would be another boy.

The day was long, induction, patocin, name it, I was poked with needles. My mother had driven down to be with me for the arrival of my second child. She was waiting all day with me and my husband when she realized that it was time for my son to go to bed. She left and was to hurry back. The nurse told her she had plenty of time because I was still only 4 centimetres dilated. Just a few short 30 minutes later, I had my legs in the stir-ups and the process began. Thankfully, I did not have to push for very long, 10 minutes later and I was about to give my last push. Here I was, ready to welcome in what I thought was going to be, my second son. I was wrong. At 8:42pm (let’s see if any man remembers the time our kids were, the doctor placed a very squirmy baby on my stomach. When I looked down, I was shocked! "It's a girl"! I cried, my husband cried, and even 1 of the nurses (she told me she was so happy for us) and there in that moment, my life changed forever.

I didn’t know how much I wanted a daughter, until she was born. I was raised in a home with all girls so when my son was born, it was a wonderful change. I was used to be a mom to a boy, so I couldn’t imagine being able to experience life with a daughter. Moments later, my mother walked in to see me holding my daughter. She was shocked that she missed the birth; she was shocked that I had a girl. The phone calls began to the family, and in a few minutes everyone knew my little girl was born.

Since then, I have enjoyed all the wonderful things that a daughter brings into your life. all I have to say. That is all I bought for the first few months. It is so much fun to buy pink after you have a boy. The dresses, the hair ties, and of course like any good Italian girl...the

I have to admit, girls are a little more demanding emotionally, than boys are. They need more love, assurance and affection. There is always a little more drama, more tears and a little more laundry, when you have girls. They have a few more catty “issues” at school, and a little more wardrobe malfunctions. They need more shoes, more skirts, and more pretty socks. They need more time in the morning because of their hair and outfits. They love to shop for themselves, and they love to shop for us. They think they have the best advice and they think they got the whole “love” thing down packed. My daughter is convinced she is going to marry Anthony in her class..he just doesn’t know it

My daughter brings me joy, she brings me love and she brings me wonderful fashion tips. She is my little girl that is growing up. She is getting smarter by the day. Maria-Alicia is my oldest daughter. She is 6 years old today and I can’t believe how big she is getting. I want to enjoy these days of her younger years and I want her to as well. Last night before she went to bed I whispered to her, “tonight is the last night you will ever be 5..forever and ever.” She smiled because she was so excited. I paused because I can’t believe that all the days have passed from that snowy day in Montreal when the doctor placed her on my stomach and we all screamed... “It’s a girl!” On March 17th, 2004, I received my very own pot of gold!
That’s my peace today!

Rapini and Sausage Roll
2 bunches rapini boiled and drained and salted
2 Italian sausages (skin removed)
2 cups shredded mozzarella
1 pizza dough
1/4 cup olive oil

Roll out dough on counter as thin as you can get it, brush with oil. Meanwhile in a pan add remaining oil add rapini and crushed garlic and cook for about 7 min, place in bowl. Add sausage and cook for about 15 min (until fully cooked), add to rapini. Spread both sausage, rapini and mozzarella on flat dough (leaving 1/2 on each side of the dough). Start rolling from 1 end as tight as you can until you have a log. Place in preheated oven 425 for about 15-20 minutes. (until bread is lightly browned.

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