Monday, July 4, 2016

What? I'm not cool???

Ok so the worst thing in the world happened to me last week! Ok, I may be exaggerating slightly, ok i am exaggerating a lot! But just the same, it was terrible!

My kids and I went for our usual Tim Horton's run. My medium 2 milk and 1 sugar addiction. I pulled into the parking lot and went to the drive thru, we turned around quickly because the line up was too long and I just didn't have the time to wait the 10 min.

As we were leaving the parking lot something big happened, something HUGE, something so big that it took me some time to get over, and I'm not sure if I am over it yet! Joseph, (my 15 year old) was sitting in the front side passengers seat, suddenly ducked into his feet! In plain site, broad daylight, just hunched over and disappeared! What? What the heck was going on? I was so confused? Was he vomiting, was he tying his shoe that didn't even have laces?what was it? what happened????

As I was pondering over the reasons why my son suddenly dropped like he was told there was going to be an emergency landing, I saw them. I saw the reasons why my son that I gave birth to only 15 years ago, humped over in his seat. 4 young ladies were standing in the parking lot. 4 cute, sweet looking, 15 year old girls.

I gasped, I laughed and then I gasped again. I said, "Omg Joseph did you just duck for your life because of those girls over there? Please tell me you have to throw up and that's the reason, don't let the reason be because you are embarrassed of me," he laughed and said "Mom, are we out of the parking lot?" OMG, it was the reason.

When he got up, he was giggling, and so were my other 3 kids in the back. I said, "could it be Joseph? are you embarrassed to be with your mother on a Thursday night? Aren't I cool enough for you anymore?" He replied, "Mom, they go to my school." School? So?????? Who cares if they go to your school???

You guys don't son adored me! I was the cool mom, the mom that managed his hockey team, the mom that his friends all talked to, the woman that when he was 2, wanted to marry! That used to be me! What happened? Was I not cool anymore? This sort of thing didn't happen to me! Not me!

I began to tell him that I pulled the move a million times when I was a teenager, but that's because Nonna and Nonno were not cool like me. They were not cool parents, they were parents. Like the parents that people don't want to hang out with, the parent's that were annoying and strict and not fun, those kind of parents. Was that me?

I was so distraught about what had just happened that the next day while visiting Am, my sister, I repeated the story. My sister and her husband burst my bubble. I wasn't cool. I was his mom and no matter how cool I think I really am, i am not!

Life has a very funny way of working itself out. There is a saying in Italian that I will translate, "The wheel turns". Simple enough philosophy. We start off being the students, the ones that learn and listen. We take some pieces of knowledge and we grow. We go through stages and we transition into new ones. We never think that what we learned, what we did and how we behaved would transfer into our little offsprings; we were different, we were us, we were hip. Um, not so much!

I went from being someone's daughter to being someone's mother. I may think that I know it all, i am the coolest, most fashionable and most adorable mother, but guess what...I'm not! I guess I have to be ok with my new "role" of, not so cool mom, although I still have some cool days left with my little ones, but the fact remains, last Thursday, realization came into play.

Diana is not a cool mom, Diana is a mom that her son ducks down to hide from girls, and a mom that has changed her role. But you see, the wheel, it turns, and one day, my cool hand Joseph son will  be driving his offspring to the nearest Tim Horton's coffee shop (yes they will still be around) and he will have that same gazed, confused look on his face when his child ducks and disappears in plain site, and when that happens, I guarantee you, he too will think, "What? I'm not cool?"

That's my peace today!

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